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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Letter From The Editor

We here at TheBrettMartin apologize for the recent lack of postings on the worlds' most popular web-log, or more commonly known as a 'blog'. It has been a hectic and diffirent time here at TheBrettMartin and all involved in operations are excitedly working towards the new and improved TheBrettMartin.
As you may have read, we at TheBrettMartin sent writers out to New York City recently to report on some events. However, we experienced some techinical difficulties in the Empire State. Rest assured, we here at TheBrettMartin were very happy with the assignment and promise more soon from the experience.
Upon returning to Canada, staffers at TheBrettMartin were pleased to see a new direction taking place and we are excited to share with you - the worlds largest blog readership - all the changes that will be taking place.
So, as we enter a new time here at our office, we all thank you for your patience and are excited to launch our new and improved services here at TheBrettMartin.
So, buckle up - we all are here - it's time for a new chapter.
Best wishes. The commited staff of TheBrettMartin


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